Well dear friends, back in the blogosphere after a long, long time. Thought
I'd give you my musings on the Women's Prize For Fiction shortlist for
You can find the official site and the list here:-
we've had a rotten winter here in the UK, the economy is dire, the
world is in a mess so what do we need? *Cheerful* reading is what. Happy
endings, lovely people, cute heroines, lovely heroes, pussycats, dimply
babies; *anything* to bring a smile and; pierce the gloom.
the list deliver? Oh no,with 3(ish) exceptions, a more miserable set of
gloomfests I've yet to read so I thought I'd spare you the trouble.
Here we go:-
Life After Life:
someone dies over and; over again.(And not peacefully folks!) I
only lasted to young adulthood and then couldn't bear to go on.
May We Be Forgiven:misery heaped on misery and as for the Tampax episode let's not go there.That was the point at which I stopped.
Flight Behaviour:
the mountain was about to collapse on the little family, they had no
money, it never stopped raining, the butterflies kept dying, the forest
was going to be logged and *there was no money for Christmas
presents*. I almost curled up in despair at this point but ploughed on and; it did deliver a cheerful(ish) ending.Gutsy heroine appealed
but very, very worthy tome.
NW: ok once I tuned into the style but I though the book just sort of stopped.
Bring Up The Bodies:
I give nothing away to those who know history when I say that the
ending to this was never going to be cheerful. Redeemed by the glorious
writing and; marvellous characterisation.
Where'd You Go Bernadette?:
Things couldn't get worse than they do for this family but an uplifting
ending and writing that is laugh out loud funny makes this my
favourite of the short list. Way too cheerful to win tho.
Oh yes, you'd better have something happy to look at before I go, here tis:_